Thursday, August 15, 2013


Scratch Wednesday. I'm bad at this... forgive me for forgetting to snap pictures of my food Tuesday!

Anyways, I totally made up for it come Wednesday. In between a few visits with some family, I managed to snap some pictures! Woohoo!

Nothing to much from the usual. Wednesday was a yoga day, so no pre workout snack.

Paleo Pancakes  (looking more and more like scrambled eggs each time?!) with blueberries with time, and of course da peanut butta


Some romaine lettuce wraps. When I make these, I usually just throw in whatever I can find around. This concoction had some hummus, avocado, a hard boiled egg... plus veggies like jicama, some home grown cucumber (from a friend!), tomato and a drizzle of mustard.

You know, its a wonder I have any friends. I eat weird combinations, sheesh. 

No recipe needed here. Sauteed chicken and vegetables with a baked sweet potato! It could have been baked longer...but, in this hot Texas heat, I've been trying to use the oven as little as possible (and I am really against microwaves), so I use the toaster oven. Potatoes take almost 2 hours in mine, and I grew impatient!

My normal, but whats not to love? It's always easy and yummy. Score!

Whats your favorite easy meals?
What have YOU been eating lately?!


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